Thursday, September 8, 2011

Things I Need For September

I just sold 2 paintings so I'm rich ..... okay not that rich, but I do want to start collecting stuff for my curiosity cabinet this month. Yes I might be the only girl who doesn't spend their money on clothing and shoes. I get excited to spend my money on snakes and dead rats. I love all things strange, but it keeps me closer to life and creation. Here are a few of the items I am contemplating about buying this month.

To get over my terrifying fear of the cockroach (Katsaridaphobia is the fear of cockroaches.) I am buying one in resin

Rat in a jar
I LOVE this

Vintage snake in a jar from 1950's

Deer teeth

A vintage butterfly in resin from 1970's

A vintage first aid kit from the 1940's

A vintage skull from the early 1950's 

Old vintage mold of teeth 

This is what I really want off of
A small cabinet full of tons of oddities it even has a fetal pigs tongue .
It's $350.00 :(

SO these are the things I really want and need.
I just bought more glass domes for my fox skull and beaver skull coming soon.
I even found some cool light bulb jars to store insects in.
Keanu has also contributed to my jar of teeth.... he lost 3 teeth last month :)

Just keeping it real!


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