Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Hate Going To The Doctor

This week I was at the doctor's office twice and I will do ANYTHING not to go unless I am in dire need of help!!! Well I am a hypochondriac and that didn't make matters any better.... esp. standing in line waiting to sign in and every one in line is coughing and sneezing or they look as if they had just walked out of their caskets :( NOT GOOD!!!! and the waiting room old people dying in there wheel chairs and then you have the grumpy people complaining about their health insurance.. and all the while I am talking to myself in my head and trying not to have a massive panic attack!!! and then finally 45 minutes later they call out JENNIFER RIVAS ... but the nightmare is just beginning!!! Not only do they weigh you and you just want to die when they tell you how much you weigh ... but being 32 yrs old after they check my blood pressure I am freaking out that I have High blood pressure (it runs in my family) but I am fine :)
any ways I refuse to sit on the nasty bed table yuck.. so I sit in the chair and my anxiety begins WHAT IF thinking kicks in!!!

Then I start to look around the room and look at all the gross stuff that I can find ... if Keanu were with me we would play I SPY GROSS MEDICAL STUFF ...LOL

Then my eyes focus in on the scary medical posters in the room .... WHY do they torture us as we are sitting there waiting for the doctor because now I start to panic after reading these posters that I may have something seriously wrong with me!!!

but then my attention is drawn towards the cute artwork hanging on the wall in this nasty room and then I start to calm down and then .... the doctor walks through the door..... UGH!!!!

My 5 albums of the week

This week has been crazy I am still sick and I have been to the doctor and had to switch medications due to allergic reactions that made me sicker then I was in the first place.I just want to get to feeling like myself again.... all the while I Have been listening to these five albums and they have helped me make it through this week besides Keanu being my little helper :)

Panada Bear - Young Prayer

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How To Have A Fantastic Mr. Fox Party

I wanted to write about my Mr. Fox Movie Party I had a while back! We had a blast and I got really creative when it came to this party so take a look!
I ordered Hot wings and cake for this party and it was YUMMY!!!!!

The cake I had ordered from THE CAKE LADY in Friendswood and I added my own Fantastic Mr. Fox decorations I had made the night before
LOVED the cake :)

I also made about 12 felt fox masks
they were right by the door for the guest!

I had also made cardboard masks for our photo booth
  1. Ash fox
  2. The badger
  3. Mr. Fox
  4. Mrs. Fox

I hot glued sticks from the yard to the back of each mask

Then I made the photo booth out of card board and paint and added lights around it!!
Then each guest got to pick a mask and take a pic in our photo booth :)

Then after we ate we watched the movie and played the soundtrack
then we went out side and camped around the fire and had a fantastic time!!

we even roasted marsh mellows ... how cute!!

Keanu was Ash and I had made him his own sock mask!!!
and that's how you have a FANTASTIC MR. FOX PARTY :)
Thanks again to every one that came to our party... JAR!!

My New Room Before and After Part 1

This is part 1 of my before and after because I still need a dresser and I need the bed spread I had ordered and I am not done decorating but you can get the idea of what it's looking like.... it's been hell from painting it to finishing it all while I am deathly sick and tired but take a look :) So take a look at the pillow cases in this pic ... I LOVED them I had them from 1988-1994 and then I lost them
so I had a dream about them one night and I decided to decorate and redo my room based from these old pillow cases....
well last week i was at Goodwill and guess what I found and I thought it was too strange
I found the sheets
what are the chances of that ... FREAKY!!!
My dream came true too bad they didn't have the matching pillow cases :(

so this is my room before
you can read MY ROOM blog to see all the pics

So I picked out Martha Stewart paint color

This is my room after I finished painting it ... my room is really small

and this is the after :)
I put a bigger mattress in my room so that took up most of my room and the theme I was going for is Flea Market Vintage/the pillow cases I had from 1988

This is my bed spread I had ordered from Urban outfitters
i am still waiting on it :)

I might buy these from Urban to hide my closet now that I took the old closet doors off

and Tomorrow I am purchasing this macrame owl to hang on my wall from

I found this old lamp shade at a resale shop last week for $2.00
I LOVE it!!!
and my step dads old vintage side table that he bought in India :)

This mirror came out of my bathroom
we were gonna get rid of it .. but it looked great in my new room :)

I don't have any book shelves so I used a vintage folding table and a vintage suitcase to put all of my books on!

my Russian Doll pillows from Urban Outfitters
I put them in an old woven bag that I bought for a $1.00 at a resale shop

all my purses ... too many!!!

This is a vintage over sized carpet bag from the 1970's
I put all my magazines in it!

it's a great storage bag :)

I used a lot of old rugs to cover my horrible carpet
next year I am gonna add hard wood floors

This is why I might need the curtains all you see is clothes

this is still in the works

I am waiting on my vintage dresser so I can put my TV onit and my XBOX

I finally got around to painting my nails today I have been so sick....
I am gonna try to catch up on my blogging for you guys especially the vintage shopping blogs ..I promise!

The color nail polish I used was ESSIE Resort Collection in Lapis of Luxury $8.00 at ULTA
Well GOODNIGHT and I hope you enjoyed my new room!!! JAR